Sunday, June 4, 2017

What is Link Building?

The Noob Friendly Guide To Link Building

Links have long been one amongst the first factors employed by Google and alternative major search engines to rank websites and pages. which suggests, if you would like to rank in search, you are going to own to make links.

The problem: 
there is a ton of data out there regarding link building. Some of it good. Some of it not so good. Some of it just plain bad.

So to help you build links the right way, we've put together this complete, noob friendly, guide to link building.

We'll be covering:

link building theory
essential skills and tactics
the best link building tools
linking to some of the best link building tutorials and case studies on the web
We'll also be revealing the results of our recent industry wide link building survey.

But let's start with the basics.

What Is Link Building?
Link building is the process of acquiring new inbound links (backlinks) to a website from external sites.
The goal of most link bui

The goal of most linkbuilding campaigns will be to increase future search traffic from Google, although links from popular sites (such as newspapers) can also be an excellent source of referral traffic.

Our own research has found that link popularity (the number of inbound links to a site/page) continues to have a high correlation with Google rankings.

Indeed, the chart below (taken from our study of over 2 million keywords) shows that link signals have a much higher correlation score than individual on-page factors (meta tags, keyword usage etc).